
How To: Remove melted plastic from your pots & pans

While taking my frittata out of the oven, I stuck an oven mitt over the handle of my skillet so that no one would burn themselves... well the inside of the mitt was not heatproof and apparently was made of plastic fibers.  So, it melted itself to my handle.
After some googling, I read that if you fill your pot up with water, sprinkle some baking soda in there and bring to a nice simmer, the plastic would be easy to scrape off.  Well, that's great, but my problem was not inside a pot... it was the handle.  So here's what I did:
Filled a stock pot up with water and added some baking soda.  I turned the heat to high and when it started to look bubbly, i stuck my pan handle in the pot.  After a few minutes, I removed the handle and tried scraping off the plastic with a wooden spatula.  It was working!  I stuck it back in a few times and kept scraping until all the plastic was gone.
It had a slight film from the baking soda all over it, so I just gave it a quick wash and it was like new!
What did we ever do before Google?

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